We've added functionality to support multiple users per brewery location - please take a minute to update your account and link it to the correct company.

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Account Information

{{myForm.Account.EmailAddress.$error.serverMessage}} {{warnings.email}} {{suggestions.email}}
must be your full name, not a company name

Is This Your Brewery ?

How would you like to verify your brewery?

My company is a...


Select your Merchant/Grower

Enter Your Brewery's TTB Number

Enter Your Organization's EIN

How does this work? What if we have multiple locations or I used my account at multiple breweries? Find out here.
{{myForm.Organization.SearchResults.$error.serverMessage}} See here.

You can't find your merchant? Create your own organization

It looks like you're the first one here from your brewery
Please carefully complete & verify all details below :

It looks like you're the first one here from your company
Please carefully complete & verify all details below:

The is the legal name of your company. Example: The Boston Beer Company, Inc. {{myForm.OrganizationProfile.CompanyLegalName.$error.serverMessage}}
DBA is how your company name will be displayed on the site, if different than your Company Legal Name. Example: Samuel Adams Brewing Co. {{myForm.OrganizationProfile.CompanyName.$error.serverMessage}}

The USPS database returned the following results for the address you entered. Please proceed with the suggested address or go back to make corrections. Please go back to make corrections or proceed with an invalid address.

Use Suggested Address
{{RecommendedAddress.City}}, {{RecommendedAddress.State}} {{RecommendedAddress.Zip}}
Invalid Address: {{err}}
{{model.OrganizationProfile.FullAddress.City}}, {{model.OrganizationProfile.FullAddress.State.Selected}} {{model.OrganizationProfile.FullAddress.PostalCode}}
Why is my address invalid?

A separate version of The Lupulin Exchange will soon launch in your region. We'll email you one it's ready. Meantime, here are your options for using the US version:

HOP Alerts

Want to be notified when users list certain hops for sale? Just click the varieties below and we'll send you an email the second they get listed.
This step is optional and you can change your hop alerts anytime in your account settings.

No results found.

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Please check your email for a verification link

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